Easy Learning

Parrot Training

Parrot Training

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This is an Easy Learning Online Course of 150 Videos on Parrot Training.

A training plan, in essence, needs to be as individual as the bird you’ve welcomed into your home. Every parrot has a unique personality, and will require a particular mix of technique, patience, friendship, and bribery to be trained effectively. That said, there are some common tips that can help you prepare for training and — in most cases — teach some basic and useful skills.

Parrot Training. Easy Learning Online Courses At Affordable Prices
Parrot Training. Easy Learning Online Courses At Affordable Prices
Parrot Training. Easy Learning Online Courses At Affordable Prices

How do you start training a parrot?

Frequent, but short, training sessions are generally more effective. A few minutes at a time, several times a day works well. Pick a favorite reward (but don’t overdo it if it is food).

Keep It Positive

  1. Parrot does something good, give it a reward.
  2. Parrot does something undesirable, ignore it.
  3. Never punish your parrot.

Teaching a Parrot Tricks

  • Waving. This is a good first trick to teach your pet. …
  • Turn Around. With your bird happily settled on his perch and ready for some interaction, hold a treat at eye-level, but well out of reach. …
  • Take a Bow. …
  • Play Dead. …
  • Fetch. …
  • Sitting on your Shoulder. …
  • Dancing. …