Easy Learning

Aikido Techniques

Aikido techniques are not hard to learn. Often, a beginner requires more repetition of training to become proficient. This learning and training process helps you build greater levels of focus and concentration that can be applied to other areas of your life.

This is an online course of 52 Video Tutorials


Aikido Martial Art is often translated as “the way of unifying (with) life energy” or as “the way of harmonious spirit”.  According to the founder’s philosophy, the primary goal in the practice of aikido is to overcome oneself instead of cultivating violence or aggressiveness.

Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art that is split into many different styles, including Iwama Ryu, Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren Kai, Shodokan Aikido, Yoshinkan, Renshinkai, Aikikai and Ki Aikido. Aikido is now practiced in around 140 countries.

Aikido techniques are not hard to learn. Often, a beginner requires more repetition of training to become proficient. This learning and training process helps you build greater levels of focus and concentration that can be applied to other areas of your life.

This is an online course of 52 Aikido Techniques Video Tutorials